
Business Strategy

Business Strategy

  • 00:00:00
  • 7 weeks
  • 31 July 2024
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Course Description:

Unlock the potential to drive strategic success in your organization with our comprehensive course on Business Strategy and Value Creation. This course is designed to equip you with the essential tools and frameworks needed to assess business opportunities and make strategic decisions that foster sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

Key Learning Outcomes:

Assess Business Opportunities through the Lens of Value Creation:

Develop the skills to critically evaluate business opportunities by focusing on creating value for all stakeholders. Learn to identify and leverage value creation as a core element of strategic success.

Apply the Value Stick Framework:

Gain expertise in the Value Stick, a cutting-edge, research-based framework for strategy formulation. Apply this tool to navigate and make informed strategic decisions that companies face in today's dynamic business environment.

Master the Language and Tools of Business Strategy:

Become proficient in the terminology and methodologies of business strategy. Contribute meaningfully to strategic conversations within your team and drive collaborative success with a deep understanding of strategic principles.

Create Value for Customers, Employees, and Suppliers:

Discover innovative ways to generate value for customers, employees, and suppliers that are difficult for competitors to replicate. Learn to design value propositions that enhance satisfaction and loyalty across your business ecosystem.

Build Sustainable Success:

Explore how to achieve long-term success by leveraging complements and network effects. Understand how these elements can enhance your value creation efforts and establish a robust competitive edge.

Who Should Enroll:

This course is ideal for business leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals looking to deepen their strategic acumen and drive meaningful impact within their organizations. Whether you are involved in strategic planning, business development, or operational management, this course will empower you to elevate your strategic thinking and execution.

Course Format:

The course combines engaging lectures, real-world case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to apply concepts to their own business scenarios, ensuring a hands-on and immersive learning experience

Short Description

Formulate strategies to give your organization a competitive advantage, using a proven framework that creates value for customers, employees, and suppliers.

Course Info

Hours per week

Contact Us

University 2

1234 South Lipsum Avenue

United States , 123456

Email: [email protected]

Fax: +013 036 0259

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