
Sustainable Business Strategy

Sustainable Business Strategy

  • 00:00:00
  • 3 Weeks
  • 19 August 2024
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In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, the role of business leaders extends beyond traditional profit metrics to encompass purpose-driven leadership that fosters positive societal and environmental impact. This course provides a comprehensive understanding and analysis of business models that drive meaningful change. Students will explore the competitive advantages of being a purpose-driven leader and learn effective communication strategies to convey these benefits to management, leadership, and other key stakeholders.

Key concepts include the importance of collective efforts in addressing significant global issues such as climate change and income inequality. The course delves into how businesses can act as catalysts for system-level change, fostering a collaborative approach to problem-solving. Participants will examine the broader environmental, political, and social landscape, gaining insights into the roles of government, investors, and customers in shaping business strategies.

By the end of the course, students will have the tools to determine actionable steps in their careers to become purpose-driven leaders, contributing to sustainable and equitable growth within their organizations and communities. This course equips aspiring leaders with the knowledge and skills to navigate and influence the complex dynamics of the modern business environment, emphasizing the integral role of ethical and sustainable practices in achieving long-term success

Short Description

Become a purpose-driven leader by learning how to influence key stakeholders and integrate values into your work to catalyze system-level change

Course Info

Hours per week

Contact Us

University 2

1234 South Lipsum Avenue

United States , 123456

Email: [email protected]

Fax: +013 036 0259

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