
Econimics for Managers

Econimics for Managers

  • 00:00:00
  • 8 Weeks
  • 1 Lesson(s)
  • 31 July 2024
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In this comprehensive course, students will delve into the critical aspects of developing effective pricing strategies essential for gaining a competitive edge in the market. Key concepts include:

Develop Effective Pricing Strategies:

Learn to formulate pricing strategies that maximize revenue and profitability while aligning with overall business objectives.

Benchmark Costs Compared to Competitors Through Relative Cost Analysis:

Gain skills in conducting relative cost analysis to understand your cost structure in comparison to competitors, enabling more informed pricing decisions.

Apply Conjoint Analysis to Understand What Features Customers Value Most:

Master the use of conjoint analysis to determine which product features are most valuable to customers, helping to tailor offerings that meet market demand.

Understand the Power of Network Effects to Drive Demand:

Explore how network effects can significantly increase demand and enhance the value of your product or service as more people use it.

Identify Sources of Competitive Advantage Through Differentiation:

Identify and leverage sources of competitive advantage by differentiating your products and services in ways that are meaningful to customers.

By the end of this course, students will be equipped with the analytical tools and strategic insights necessary to design and implement pricing strategies that not only attract customers but also sustain long-term competitive advantage

Short Description

See the world through the lens of economics and gain the knowledge and skills to craft successful business strategy.

Course Info

Hours per week

Contact Us

University 2

1234 South Lipsum Avenue

United States , 123456

Email: [email protected]

Fax: +013 036 0259

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